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National Campaign to Restore Civil Rights

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  • Affirmative Action FAQ: From the USC Annenberg Institute for Justice and Journalism

  • Affirmative Action: Ending It Would Leave Many Behind

  • Amari Suskin-Sperry, Essay Contest Runner-Up, 14 Years Old, Ithaca, NY

  • Arjini Nawal, Quote Contest Runner-Up, 11 Years Old, New York, NY

  • Court Rules Against Ending Racial Isolation in Public Schools

  • Courts are Essential in Protecting Our Right to Vote

  • Discrimination and Education: A Chapter from <I>Awakening from the Dream</I> by Lia Epperson

  • Four of the Most Important Cases Affecting Latinos

  • Isabel Kirk, Quote Contest Runner-Up, 8 Years Old, Louisville, KY

  • Jazzmyne Ross, Essay Contest Runner-Up, 16 Years Old, San Jose, CA

  • Jody Leung, Essay Contest Winner, 17 Years Old, Union City, CA

  • Keaton McNamara, Quote Contest Runner-Up, 11 Years Old, New Orleans, LA

  • Kyle Mealand, Essay-Contest Runner-Up, 16 Years Old, Seattle, WA


  • Laura Machado, Quote Contest Winner, 11 Years Old, Louisville, KY

  • Narrow Use of Affirmative Action Preserved in College Admissions

  • NCRCR Interview Series: Lewis v. City of Chicago

  • NCRCR Interview Series: The Ban on Islamic Law in Oklahoma

  • NCRCR: Education and Racial Justice Fact Sheet

  • Publicity Consent Form for Essay Contest Finalists, Runners-Up, and Winners

  • Publicity Consent Form for Quote Contest Finalists, Runners-Up, and Winners

  • Take Back the Courts: Racial Discrimination and Environmental Justice

  • The Rollback of Immigrant Workers' Civil Rights

  • What a Difference One Supreme Court Justice Makes

  • Why Diversity is Not a Dirty Word (Or, a Supreme Court out of Touch)

  • YouTube Transcription: ABC News Coverage of Our Essay Contest

  • YouTube Transcription: How Do You See Civil Rights?

  • YouTube Transcription: What is the Most Pressing Civil Rights Issue?