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National Campaign to Restore Civil Rights

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Kyle Mealand, Essay-Contest Runner-Up, 16 Years Old, Seattle, WA

  • Organization: Kyle Mealand
  • Date Created: Wednesday, May 16, 2007
  • Submitted: Wednesday, May 16, 2007
  • Attachment(s): HTM
In the essay entitled "Invisibility," Kyle, writes:

"Diversity and integration in our schools is very important because it creates a better public understanding of different cultures and ethnicities. A diverse school community educates and helps break negative stereotypes. The environment people grow up in and the people they are surrounded by have a large influence on the rest of their lives. Youth in schools are the future. It is important that in the future all cultures live in harmony. Misunderstanding and ignorance are the source of many of the world's problems. Peace in the world is now the responsibility of students because students are the eventual adults and leaders of the world."