APBCo Testing - Home Page

Welcome to the Pro Bono Counsel & Coordinators Site!

The Pro Bono Counsel & Coordinators site is for pro bono counsel, pro bono partners, pro bono coordinators, pro bono committee chairs and other individuals who manage, coordinate and are involved with the day-to-day operations of a law firm or a corporation pro bono practice.

As a means of sharing information and ideas related to the management and administration of a law firm or corporation pro bono practice, please consider joining our listserv.

If you manage a law firm pro bono practice, please also consider joining the Association of Pro Bono Counsel (APBCo), a membership organization of over 125 partners, counsel and practice group managers who run pro bono practices on primarily a full-time basis in 85 of the country's largest law firms.

Attorneys who currently manage a law firm pro bono practice on a full-time basis are eligible to become APBCo members. Non-attorneys who currently manage a law firm pro bono practice on a full-time basis or who currently provide programmatic (not administrative) support to an APBCo member on a full-time basis and are sponsored by the APBCo member; and attorneys who currently spend 50% or more of their time managing a law firm pro bono practice are also eligible to become APBCo members but such applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis by APBCo's board of directors or its designee.

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