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PBN/LSNTAP Community Training Series - Let the User be Your Guide

  • Technology

This webinar will explore different approaches to integrating user testing into the development of legal content for diverse audiences. Examples may include user testing (including A/B testing) in the following contexts: the development of a website and mobile app in the immigration sphere, the rollout of a pro bono mobilization website, content development for a statewide website, and the development of a game to assist pro se litigants going to court for the first time.


  • •Tony Lu, Immigration Advocates Network
  • Candice Farha and Melissa Nolte, Kansas Legal Services
  • Dina Nikitaides, Illinois Legal Aid Online
  • Claudia Johnson, LawHelp Interactive

Moderator: Mike Grunenwald, Pro Bono Net


For questions about these trainings, please contact Jillian Theil of Pro Bono Net at or (415) 400-8662, or Brian Rowe of Northwest Justice Project at or (206) 395-6094 or through chat.