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Webinar: Introduction to Victims’ Rights for Advocates

  • 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Eastern Time (US & Canada)
  • By: National Crime Victim Law Institute
  • Online
  • Criminal Law

This session, designed for advocates, will be an overview of victims’ rights laws, and an identification of common issues that victims face as they are forced to navigate the criminal justice system.

Register with the National Crime Victim Law Institute.

- About the Presenter -

Meg Garvin, M.A., J.D.

Meg Garvin, M.A., J.D., is the executive director of the National Crime Victim Law Institute (NCVLI) and a clinical professor of law at Lewis & Clark Law School. Ms. Garvin is recognized as a leading expert on victims’ rights. She has testified before Congress and the Oregon Legislature on the current state of victim law. She serves on the Legislative & Public Policy Committee of the Oregon Attorney General’s Sexual Assault Task Force, is a Board member of the Citizens’ Crime Commission, and is on the Advisory Board for the Red Lodge Legal Services Program. She previously served as co-chair of the American Bar Association’s Criminal Justice Section Victims Committee, co-chair of the Oregon Attorney General’s Crime Victims’ Rights Task Force, and as a member of the board of directors for the National Organization of Victim Assistance. She is the recipient of the 2012 Crime Victims First-Stewart Family Outstanding Community Service Award. Prior to joining NCVLI, Ms. Garvin practiced law in Minneapolis, Minnesota and clerked for the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals. She received her bachelor of arts degree from the University of Puget Sound, her master of arts degree in communication studies from the University of Iowa, and her J.D. from the University of Minnesota.

  • CLE Credit Comments: This webinar may be eligible for CLE Credit; check with you local bar association regarding requirements.
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