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DC Pro Bono Week 2018: Go Casual for Justice

  • By: Washington Council of Lawyers, DC Bar Foundation
  • Your Office
  • Other Events

Please join the DC Bar Foundations 2018 Go Casual for Justice campaign that will kick off Monday, October 22, 2018!

This year, we celebrate 10 years of Pro Bono week! Over the past decade, you and your generous colleagues have raised over $300,000 through the Go Casual for Justice campaign in connection with Pro Bono week. Those resources have help to ensure that the residents of the District receive equal access to justice, regardless of their ability to afford it.

This year, and moving forward, we encourage everyone to host your Go Causal campaigns in October, in conjunction with Pro Bono week. This collective ground swell will help carry this campaign to its best year yet as we strive to raise $70,000!

Participating is easy. Once your workplace is registered, simply make a gift to DCBF in order to dress down during the offices designated Go Casual Day.

For more information about Go Casual for Justice and to register your workplace, please use this form.