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Jeans for Justice Day (Allegheny County)

  • By: Pro Bono Center of the Allegheny Bar Foundation
  • Source: Pennsylvania > PA Pro Bono
  • Fundraiser

Jeans for Justice logoThe Pro Bono Center of the Allegheny Bar Foundation invites you to Celebrate Pro Bono Week by holding a casual Friday to benefit the Pro Bono Center and its programs, which match volunteer attorneys with low-income individuals in desperate need of legal help.

What is Jeans for Justice? – Employees of participating law firms and corporate legal departments make a small donation ($5, $10, etc.) for the right to dress in casual attire for the day instead of traditional business wear. Each office collects the donations from employees and submits the donations to the bar foundation.

Feel free to mix it up! Opt for Halloween costumes, Steelers gear, or any other theme—all for a great cause.

When is it? - This year’s Jeans for Justice day falls on October 26, but you can choose whatever day is convenient for your office.

How do we participate? – To let us know that your firm or legal department will include Jeans for Justice in its fall plans, contact Jessica Pfauth at or 412-402-6681.

  • Contact:
    Pro Bono Center of the Allegheny Bar Foundation