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Immigration Law: Know Your Rights!

  • 3:45 PM - 4:45 PM
  • By: L.A. Law Library, Asian Americans Advancing Justice
  • L.A. Law Library
  • Source: Immigration Advocates Network > IAN Nonprofit Resource Center
  • Community Education/Outreach
  • Immigration

This class gives an overview of the current immigration system and immigration law, especially as it relates to the needs of undocumented immigrants. The workshop has three main sections. First, it explains how the U.S. immigration system is structured, and explains the recent expansions in law enforcement actions. Second, it gives a general overview of the different ways that undocumented immigrants can become eligible for legal status, demonstrating the obstacles and limited options for most immigrants in the U.S. without migration status. Third, it shares a "know your rights" primer that will help all individuals, regardless of immigration status, understand and assert their rights when interacting with police or other law enforcement and learn how to be prepared in case of an arrest or detention.