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Fairmont Free Drop In Legal Clinic for Veterans

  • Military/Veterans
  • Clinic

The Minnesota Assistance Council for Veterans' Vetlaw Program provides direct legal services through brief legal clinics across the state of Minnesota. By partnering with legal aid and pro bono attorneys, tribal organizations, and local, state, and federal government programs, the clinics are able to provide holistic services that address both the legal and non-legal aspects of barriers to individual and family stability in housing and employment. We are prepared to advise pro se litigants on a variety of legal issues, both civil and criminal. It is our hope to provide services as broadly as possible while maintaining quality control—many issues can be addressed by assisting the litigant with brief legal or factual research, which can be done on-site by volunteers. Experienced volunteer attorneys provide direction to law student volunteers, who will assist litigants with legal forms and understanding procedural requirements. The student volunteers can also assist with tasks such as document gathering and/or organization, drafting, and making out-of-state inquiries over the phone.