Mental Health Legal Advisors Committee

  • To Volunteer, Contact:
    Megan Mauskapf
    617-338-2345 ext 134
  • Organization Type: Nonprofit Legal Services Provider

Advancing the rights and opportunities of persons with mental disabilities through quality legal advocacy and education in Massachusetts.

MHLAC is an independent, state-funded agency that provides advice and direct representation to persons with mental health needs on a wide range of legal issues. MHLAC also trains judges, attorneys and advocates, interprets and analyzes legislation and produces brochures and other publications on pertinent legal matters.

  • State(s) of Volunteer Opportunity: Massachusetts
  • Area of law: Civil Rights, Consumer, Debt/Credit/Bankruptcy, Disability, Education, Elder Law, Employment, Family & Juvenile, Health, Housing, Life Planning, Prisoners, Public Benefits, Veterans
  • Populations Served: Individuals with physical/mental disabilities, Low Income, Persons with Disabilities
  • Opportunities For: Interpreters, Law school clinic, Law Students, Lawyers, Mentors, Mentors/consultants, Nonlitigation Projects, Paralegals, Senior Lawyers
  • Need for non-English services: Portuguese, Spanish
  • Hours for Pro Bono Opportunities: Flexible
  • Malpractice insurance is provided for volunteers: No
  • Training Provided: Yes
  • Training Required: No
  • CLE credit for trainings: No
  • CLE credit for pro bono: No
  • Mentoring or supervision offered: Yes
  • Volunteer lawyers need to meet a caseload or hours requirement: No
  • Types of projects in need of Pro Bono help: Client counseling (e.g., brief advice), Client intake and screening, Draft legal documents (e.g., briefs), Legal Research, Legislative or policy advocacy, Prepare legal education materials, Translate legal documents
  • Long Distance Opportunities: Conduct Research, Draft or Translate Legal Documents
  • Volunteers may participate long-distance: Yes
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