Who We Are
ProBono.Net/OK is a web site for attorneys in Oklahoma who volunteer time for a number of programs across the state. It's an online community of resources and opportunities!
Pro Bono Net is our partner in delivering resources to our volunteers through this website and resources to the public through OKLaw.org. Learn more about the organization in this short video:
Pro Bono Net (short version) from Pam Weisz on Vimeo.
If You Are Looking For A Lawyer
ProBono.Net/OK does not provide attorney referrals or provide any legal advice.
Participating Organizations
See which organizations are participating in and supporting ProBono.Net/OK.
How To Get Involved
Whether you are a private practitioner, a law student, a law school clini, a law firm, a public interest law group, a community organization that uses pro bono lawyers to assist clients or a legal service provider, you can be involved in ProBono.Net/OK.
Terms and Conditions / Disclaimer / Copyright
Read the terms and conditions to which you agree, if you use ProBono.Net/OK