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A Guide to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) for Advocates: How to Effectively Address PTSD in Matters Involving Veterans and Others Affected by Trauma (Free)

  • 11:00 AM - 2:30 PM
  • Central Time (US & Canada)
  • By: Practising Law Institute
  • Mental Health Issues

A Guide to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) for Advocates: How to Effectively Address PTSD in Matters Involving Veterans and Others Affected by Trauma (Free)

What You Will Learn

Led by a faculty that includes a VA psychologist with extensive clinical expertise in PTSD and lawyers specializing in mental health-related advocacy, this training will provide:

• An understanding of how trauma and PTSD affect the brain;
• A description of PTSD symptoms and how they affect people in their day-to-day lives;
• Discussion of how PTSD symptoms can be relevant in legal proceedings;
• Guidance for developing relevant information and evidence about PTSD;
• Insight into mental health reports, evaluations, and other clinical evidence; and
• Strategies for working effectively with mental health professionals to develop and present information about PTSD that supports advocacy for those affected by trauma.

Register (free)


  • CLE Credit Comments: Approved for Oklahoma - Total General Credits: 3.50
  • Contact:
    Practising Law Institute
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