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Insurance Issues Arising from Superstorm Sandy

Wednesday October 02

After a disaster like Superstorm Sandy strikes, what information do you need to file an insurance claim? The free program will outline the differences between flood insurance policies and homeowner policies and define the respective obligations of homeowners and insurers, limitations and exclusions in the policies and causation issues. We will cover the ways homeowners can enforce their rights against insurers, the important deadlines they are facing, broker liability and other potential sources of disaster assistance.

More information on the training is available at the LSC Learning Center; please email all questions learningcenter@ls-nyc.org.

Faculty: Barry Bassis, Disaster Response Supervising Attorney, Legal Services NYC

Barry Bassis is the Disaster Response Supervising Attorney at Legal Services NYC. In this position, he supervises attorneys in the offices in the five boroughs of New York City about insurance issues arising from Superstorm Sandy. He also provides a resource for other organizations helping struggling New Yorkers with their insurance issues arising from the storm. Mr. Bassis has over 20 years of experience as an insurance attorney, handling both coverage litigation and the drafting of coverage opinions. He has trained attorneys, arbitrators and judicial law clerks and has published articles on insurance law in the New York Law Journal, the PLUS Journal, Business Insurance and the New York Law Journal.
