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NYC Pro Bono Center

Pro Bono Center Newsletter

Welcome to the November 2013 edition of the NYC Pro Bono Center newsletter! Read on to learn about the latest pro bono news, volunteer opportunities, upcoming trainings, and new helpful resources.

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Outstanding Volunteers

Epstein Volunteer Awards Kick off Pro Bono Week at CBJC
In honor of the 2013 National Pro Bono Week, the City Bar Justice Center awarded a selection of exceptional volunteers with the Jeremy G. Epstein Award for outstanding pro bono service. The awardees are volunteers with the City Bar Justice Center?'s projects who have gone above and beyond to aid low income New Yorkers in need of pro bono legal assistance. Learn more

Chief Judge Jonathan Lippman Presents Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP with LAS'?s 2013 Pro Bono Publico Award
Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP was the recipient of the 2013 Pro Bono Publico and Public Service Law Firm Award in recognition of its exceptional pro bono commitment to The Legal Aid Society and its clients. At the 2013 Pro Bono Awards Ceremony, 334 pro bono lawyers and legal professionals, 48 law firms, and 2 corporations were honored for their outstanding pro bono service. Learn more

WilmerHale Helps Pro Bono Clients Become New Parents in Adoption Case
On August 8th, with the help of WilmerHale and the Volunteer Lawyers of Legal Service's Children's Project, a New York couple officially adopted two boys they had been fighting to protect and nurture since 1997. Learn more

We welcome your contributions! To nominate an outstanding volunteer, send an email describing the pro bono case or project to info@probono.net

Pro Bono News

16th Annual Legal Aid Society Pro Bono CLE Training Series Announced
The Legal Aid Society is proud to present its 16th annual CLE Pro Bono Training Series, commencing on November 7, 2013 and running through April 2014. The CLE training program addresses urgent, emerging legal needs of low-income families and individuals and offers significant pro bono opportunities to litigators, transactional counsel, and in-house corporate attorneys. Learn more

Multi-State Veterans Conference Generates New Ideas and Enthusiasm for Regional Collaboration
The City Bar Justice Center co-sponsored a conference on the legal problems faced by veterans along with the Connecticut Veterans Legal Center in Harford, Connecticut. Legal service providers from 10 different Northeastern organizations attended the conference and discussed the challenges of their work, strategized about solutions, pooled resources, and networked. Learn more

Disaster Lawyering Conference Recap
Pro Bono Net's new VISTA, Jon Weinberg, reports on the recent Disaster Lawyering Conference co-hosted by The Legal Aid Society, City Bar Justice Center, and Pro Bono Net. Learn more

Click here to read more pro bono news.

New Opportunities

Volunteer at the Access to Benefits (A2B) Hotline
The Legal Aid Society is looking for volunteer assistance to help staff the Access to Benefits hotline, which is open for calls on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 10am-1pm and run from the Society's 199 Water Street location. Learn more

Click here to see more available opportunities.

Upcoming Trainings and Events

LAS Training Series November 7: Criminal Appeals
On November 7, gain the knowledge to represent criminal defendants in the Appellate Division. This seminar will focus on the procedural and substantive law underlying criminal appeals. Attendance enables you to represent LAS' clients under supervision from the Criminal Appeals Bureau. Learn more

LAS Training Series November 12: Not-for-Profit Incorporation
On November 12, acquire expertise in incorporating not-for-profit entities and securing their federal tax-exempt status. Faculty will cover basic due diligence by attorneys to learn about an organization prior to drafting any documents, preparation of the not-for-profit charter and bylaws, and application to the IRS for tax exempt recognition. Learn more

September 11th Victims Compensation Fund Legal Clinic
In collaboration with Special Master Sheila Birnbaum, CBJC is hosting pro bono clinics for potential claimants under the 2011 Zadroga Act which reopens the 9/11 Victims Compensation Fund. Attorneys will field questions on the process or eligibility and provide assistance with filling out forms. Learn more

Click here to view the full calendar of pro bono events
and training opportunities.

Library Resources

An Advocate's Guide to the NYS Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption Program
From the Volunteers of Legal Service's Elderly Project, this Guide is for advocates working with the SCRIE program designed to assist low-income seniors facing hardships from rent increases. Learn more

Click here to browse through the entire NYC Pro Bono Center Library.

Did you know?

That the Legal Aid Society recently launched a new anti-gun violence initiative, implemented with support from the New York City Council's Task Force to Combat Gun Violence. Learn More

Click here to view our archive of NYC Pro Bono Center Newsletters.

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