U Nonimmigrant Status: Obtaining Lawful Immigration Status for Crime Victims

  • Immigration

Attorneys will be trained to represent inMotion-referred clients in obtaining U Nonimmigrant ("U visa") status in the United States. U Nonimmigrant status is offered to a victim of certain crimes, like domestic violence and rape, who cooperates in the investigation or prosecution of her attacker. A grant of U Nonimmigrant status allows an immigrant and her derivative family members to work and live lawfully in the United States, and creates a pathway to their being able to obtain lawful permanent resident status. It also allows a derivative family member residing abroad to enter the United States lawfully to be reunited with the crime victim.

Procedural and substantive aspects of filing a request for U Nonimmigrant status with immigration authorities will be discussed in detail. Training manuals and sample documents will be provided at the training.

Attorneys attending the training will be assigned a case, which may involve representing a crime victim and multiple derivatives, normally her children, for pro bono representation. Attorneys are expected to commit to taking a case pro bono either individually or as part of a team. Experienced inMotion staff attorneys mentor and consult with pro bono teams throughout the course of representation.

The U Nonimmigrant Status application process is transactional and does not require that the attorney attend an interview with immigration authorities. Please note that clients' children often reside abroad. In those cases, attorneys are expected to handle the derivative cases until the children successfully enter the United States.

*Please note that this training is open only to attorneys from major law firms.