24th Annual Elder Law Institute

  • Elderly

Why you should attend
The 24th Annual Elder Law Institute presents current legal topics that are of importance to your older clients, and all your younger clients with aging parents. Many of the subjects covered this year focus on planning for incapacity, paying for health care, and maintaining the legal autonomy and dignity of your aging clients. The subject of elder law is becoming a part of every practice - we cannot stop the aging process, nor the reality that we live longer and that the problems and programs that the elderly rely on become more complex.

What you will learn

• Update on the change to Medicaid Estate Recovery Rules
• New developments in the elder law field, including a review of new legislation, and the Health Care Reform Act and how it impacts on elder law.
• Medicaid eligibility, and how to use it to cover the high costs of long-term care.
• Ethics in elder law - understanding the unique ethical boundaries when dealing with older clients and their families

Who should attend
The 24th Annual Elder Law Institute is geared to general practitioners and elder law attorneys who are just starting out, or experienced elder law attorneys who would like to review the subjects covered. This year will highlight the current changes in the field, as well as some traditional subjects that are relevant to the current economic pressures that our aging clients are confronting due to the economic downturn.

Cost: $395*

*Full scholarships to PLI's live seminars and webcasts are available to judges, judicial law clerks, law professors, law students, attorneys 65 or older, law librarians, attorneys who work for nonprofit organizations, legal services organizations or government agencies, and unemployed attorneys. Attorneys in private practice who seek to learn skills that will assist them in pro bono activities are encouraged to apply.

Please contact Leonard McKenzie at 212-824-5826 for additional information.