Subpoenas and Motions to Quash in the U Visa Context

  • 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
  • Pacific Time (US & Canada)
  • By: ILRC
  • This event takes place online.
  • Source: Immigration Advocates Network > IAN Nonprofit Resource Center
  • Immigration

In recent years, some attorneys representing U visa clients have had clients' immigration records subpoenaed by the criminal defense as part of the ongoing criminal prosecution of their clients' abusers. This webinar will cover suggestions for immigration attorneys to protect clients' information from unnecessary disclosure, regardless of whether or not a subpoena is issued, strategies for counseling the client; and communicating with the district attorney. We will also discuss how immigration attorneys can respond if a subpoena is issued including filing motions to quash and other strategies.


  • Sally Kinoshita, ILRC Deputy Director & Staff Attorney

Sally is the principal author of the ILRC publication entitled, The U Visa: Obtaining Immigration Status for Immigrant Victims of Crime and the co-author of the ILRC publications, The VAWA Manual: Immigration Relief for Abused Immigrants; Special Immigrant Juvenile Status for Children Under Juvenile Court Jurisdiction and Immigration Benchbook for Juvenile and Family Court Judges.

  • Catherine Ward-Seitz, Regional Immigration Coordinator for Bay Area Legal Aid

Catherine has been working in the field of immigration law since 1990, starting out as legal assistant and then a BIA Accredited Representative before her admission to the bar in December of 2001. Before joining Bay Area Legal Aid as Regional Immigration Coordinator in July of 2009, she worked at Canal Alliance, the International Institute of the East Bay, and the private immigration law firm of Simmons & Ungar.

  • Robert Uy, Law Office of Lien L. Uy

Robert is a Partner at the Law Office of Lien L. Uy, where he practices Immigration, Family and Domestic Violence Law. He has been published in Berkeley Law's Journal of Gender, Law and Justice. Before joining the Law Office of Lien L. Uy in November of 2011, he worked at the private immigration law firm of Goswami, Strand and Seaborn and was the Staff Attorney and Immigration Project Lead at Asian Pacific Islander Legal Outreach.

Cost and Registration:
Attend the live session for $110.00. If you are an employee of a non-profit or IOLTA organization, register to qualify for a discount. To register, click here. The registration deadline is 03/09/2012. Registration is limited to one registrant per connection. One must pay a registration fee even if one plans to participate as a group, using a single computer and phone connection. We only provide certificate of attendance to those who have registered & paid the full fee.

  • CLE Credit Comments: 1.5 CA