Negotiation Workshop for Lawyers 2011

  • Legal Skills

Why you should attend
By attending this program you will learn effective negotiation skills and techniques by observing experts in simulated bargaining, by critical analysis of tactics and techniques, and by participating in an actual negotiation.

What you will learn
• What successful negotiators do at every stage of the negotiation process
• When (and how) to use an adversarial strategy and when (and how) to select a problem-solving approach
• How to differentiate (and choose) between a cooperative and competitive style
• When to use argument or appeal, threat or promise, to persuade your opponent
• How to get, give and guard the critical information that spells success
• When (and how) to concede without losing credibility
• How to use the client to advantage, control the agenda, avoid ethical traps, and more...

Who should attend
Whether your practice is corporate, litigation, commercial, or public interest, if you are not an experienced negotiator or feel that your skills are "rusty," this is the program for you!

Course Structure
In the morning and early afternoon, Dean Harbaugh will discuss the theory and tactics of bargaining and compare adversarial and problem-solving strategies. The discussion will focus on controlling the critical information in negotiation, appreciating the role of individual style in the bargaining process, developing effective models of persuasion, and how to prepare, make and meet offers. Excerpts from PLI's best-selling videotape, Basics of Negotiation, will be used to highlight the issues. The taped negotiation will demonstrate effective (and sometimes purposely ineffective) bargaining techniques. Questions of ethical conduct and professional responsibility that arise in the lawyer negotiation process will also be considered. Participants will then be briefed on the negotiation they will conduct.

In the afternoon, the participants will be paired to engage in private negotiating sessions. Dean Harbaugh will circulate among the registrants to observe the negotiations. Following this will be a discussion and critical review of the negotiating sessions, including a comparison of outcomes of your group with hundreds of lawyers who have negotiated the same problem.

Cost: $995*


*Full scholarships to PLI's live seminars and webcasts are available to judges, judicial law clerks, law professors, law students, attorneys 65 or older, law librarians, attorneys who work for nonprofit organizations, legal services organizations or government agencies, and unemployed attorneys. Attorneys in private practice who seek to learn skills that will assist them in pro bono activities are encouraged to apply.

Please contact Leonard McKenzie at 212-824-5826 for additional information.

  • CLE Credit Comments: CLE-NY Credits Credit Status: Approved Transitional: Yes Total Credits: 8.00 Ethics: 0.50 Skills: 7.50 CLE-NJ Credits Credit Status: Approved Total Credits: 8.10 Ethics: 0.60 General: 7.50 PLI's live programs are approved in all states that require mandatory continuing legal education for attorneys. Please visit our website for additional State CLE information.
  • Contact:
    Leonard McKenzie
    Practising Law Institute
  • Website:
  • Attachment(s): Scholarship_Application 2011.pdf