About the Family Justice/ DV Site
This site is part of the NYC Pro Bono Center and supports advocates working on cases in the area of family/domestic violence, cases under the federal Violence Against Women Act, and involving immigration and asylum law. The practice area is a resource not only to lawyers who are volunteering to take cases from host organizations, but also for family law and domestic violence advocates in legal services programs in New York City.
The site is supported by Pro Bono Net's New York Program and was previously hosted by legal services organizations in New York, including Her Justice, the City Bar Justice Center Immigrant Women and Children Project, NYLAG, Sanctuary for Families, and Safe Horizon.
About Pro Bono Net's New York State Program
Learn more about the other projects under the New York Program below:
- Probono.net/ny is the New York state network site of probono.net. Through probono.net/ny, we strive to mobilize and support the volunteer legal community. Probono.net/ny is divided by topic or “practice areas,” allowing pro bono volunteers to access substantive updates, training resources, listservs, pro bono opportunities, and other information published by our partners. The site has over 20,000 members, promotes collaboration and makes it easier for pro bono attorneys to get involved, connecting them with opportunities, training, mentors and searchable libraries of practice resources.
- LawHelpNY | AyudaLegalNY.org is the leading consumer legal information and referral resource for low-income New Yorkers. LawHelpNY provides access to self-help tools, including D-I-Y court forms, and easy to understand written and video guides that enable unrepresented litigants to advocate for themselves.
- LiveHelp is LawHelpNY’s bilingual live chat program and, generally, helps more than 10,000 people each year access direct services, legal information, triage tools and DIY forms, and enables people to identify, prevent or mitigate legal problems.
- TenantHelpNY.org was funded in October 2020 by the New York Office of Attorney General (OAG) and serves as an online resource center for tenants facing eviction due to the COVID-19 pandemic. TenantHelpNY includes statewide content for tenants outside of New York City, training materials for pro bono attorneys, and a directory of legal services organizations.
- New York Crime Victims Legal Network (CVLN) was founded by Empire Justice Center, Pro Bono Net, the Center for Human Services Research at the University at Albany, and the NYS Office of Victim Services (OVS) as a partnership of organizations working together to connect victims of crime with civil legal assistance (non-criminal assistance) through the use of this online resource. CVLN makes it easier for victims of crime to get information and services to help with these civil legal needs.
About Pro Bono Net
Pro Bono Net is a national nonprofit founded in 1999. From connecting attorneys to those most in need, to creating legal tools to help individuals advocate for themselves, we make the law work for the many and not the few. We achieve our mission by:
- Helping individuals access the full power of the law
- Making it easier for advocates to do the most good
- Developing initiatives to support vulnerable communities
You can learn more about our programs here. To learn more about Pro Bono Net's staff and board, visit this page.