Advanced CLARO Training

  • 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM
  • Eastern Time (US & Canada)
  • By: NYCLA
  • Zoom link provided upon registration
  • Consumer

Get involved with CLARO (the Civil Legal Advice and Resource Office) to provide limited scope legal services to unrepresented New Yorkers facing debt collection through the Courts. Every year tens of thousands of consumer credit collection cases are filed and the vast majority of defendants are unrepresented, resulting in a major assymetry of power playing out daily in our courts.

Join the CLARO Track 2 training meant for experienced volunteers or litigators, but is open to all. CLARO Track 1 training is a pre-requisite. If you have not attended Track 1, but are interested please reach out to

Register here:

  • CLE Credit Comments: Eligible for 3 CLE credits upon serving 6 CLARO clients.
  • Contact:
    Johanna Ocana
    Fordham Law School Feerick Center for Social Justice