Elder Law and Long Term Care Insurance Update 2023

  • 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM
  • Eastern Time (US & Canada)
  • By: New York County Lawyers Association
  • Elderly

Hear an update on the most recent developments in elder law that you and your clients should be aware of.

Discover what you need to know about your and your client’s questions, concerns and strategies regarding the subject of paying for an unexpected & unreimbursed long-term care illness. Understand when a traditional long term care Insurance policy is a better solution than one of the newer Combo/Linked plans, and vice versa.

Attendees will also have the opportunity to ask questions of our two expert speakers.

  • CLE Credit Comments: 1.5 NY Credits: 1.5 Skills; Transitional and Non-transitional; 1.5 NJ Credits: 1.5 General (Mat)