Tips for Using This Site's Features

Library - Help our online library grow! Each practice area has its own library. Become a contributor now. The library for any practice area is password protected and only viewable to approved site members.
Groups - Members may join relevant and appropriate e-mail groups (listservs). When you've logged in, click on "Groups" in the main navigation bar to see what our listservs are up to and subscribe to updates.
Events - This feature is not password protected. Events are viewable from the Home page. Anyone may submit an event for consideration as an addition to the site. See the "Add an Event" link in the upper right hand of any events page.
News - This area is not password protected. Anyone can submit a news item for consideration as an addition to the site. See the "Add Article" link in the upper right corner of any news page.
Monthly Calendar - All site members receive a monthly e-calendar. Listings include live and online CLE sessions, other trainings, and other events.