Domestic Violence
Please see below the full list of interactive interviews to assist you in creating forms related to domestic violence.
The Domestic Violence Division handles requests for Civil Protection Orders as well as cases alleging violations of protection orders and all misdemeanor criminal cases involving an 'intrafamily offense.' A Civil Protection Order may be requested by individuals alleging that a family member, romantic/dating partner, person with whom they have a child in common, share a common current or former partner, or currently or previously shared a residence committed or threatened to commit a crime against them.
The Domestic Violence Division also adjudicates cases where individuals allege they are a victim of stalking, sexual assault, or sexual abuse. People should request a Civil Protection Order if they want the person who committed a crime against them to stay away, not assault, threaten, harass or stalk them. After a Civil Protection Order is issued, people can also file motions for contempt if the Respondent violates the Order. When appropriate, judges in the Domestic Violence Division also adjudicate related divorce, custody, visitation, paternity and support cases involving the same parties, as well as certain related civil actions.
The Domestic Violence Intake Centers are operating remotely and can be reached by phone at:
- Domestic Violence Division Clerk’s Office- (202) 879-0157
If you are in a Domestic Violence situation and would like free and confidential assistance, DC Safe can assist with advocacy, safety planning, housing resources, case management, and connection to legal services. Contact DC Safe at 800-407-5048.
Click here for a full list of legal service providers. These organizations are available to help you complete the forms remotely and provide other assistance.
Please click here to complete a Confidential Information form. Once completed, you can attach it at the end of the online interactive interview that you are completing. Once you attach the Confidential Information form, it will be submitted with your completed online interactive interview forms.