A Project of the D.C. Consortium of Legal Service Providers
Poor persons with legal needs arising out of health problems need the combined resources of the medical and legal communities. The D.C. Consortium of Legal Service Providers (the Consortium), a group of lawyers who represent poor persons, developed the Volunteer Health Consultant Registry (the Registry). The Registry lists health professionals who have agreed to provide various degrees and types of services on cases that present health related issues.
Services may include one or all of the following:
*Phone consultations and/or evaluations with volunteer lawyers about a specific health evaluation, diagnosis, or lab result; count: *
*Physical, psychological or vocational exams to support legal claims; and
*Testifying and/or preparing affidavits as experts.
The types of cases most likely to need these services are:
*Social Security Disability and other public benefits cases;*Child custody disputes;
*Guardianships and other protective arrangements; and
*Matters involving mental capacity to prepare legal documents.
The volunteer health professionals control the types of services and amount of time they dedicate to this project. The Registry is administered by the law firm of Ross, Dixon & Bell, L.L.P. Legal service and pro bono lawyers needing assistance contact the law firm and ask for a referral to a volunteer health professional from the Registry.
If you wish to access the Registry, please call Carol Johnson of Ross, Dixon & Bell, LLP at 662.2096.