The Housing Right to Counsel Pilot Project is a joint project of Bread for the City, the D.C. Bar Pro Bono Center, the Legal Aid Society of the District of Columbia, Legal Counsel for the Elderly, the Neighborhood Legal Services Program, and Rising for Justice.   The Project is focused on using pro bono partnerships to significantly expand representation for tenants who live in subsidized or low-rent housing and are facing eviction.  

We applaud the firms that have stepped up to the challenge and have committed to the Project.  Pro bono attorneys at the participating firms have the opportunity to:

• Prevent a family from being evicted
• Protect a tenant’s right to safe and well-maintained housing
• Help a tenant preserve a valuable housing subsidy or low-rent unit
• Keep a tenant and his/her family from entering into homelessness
• See a case through from start to finish
• Maintain the primary relationship with their client
• Develop critical lawyering skills
• Learn a new area of the law