Welcome to the web site of the DC Consortium of Legal Services Providers. The Consortium is a coalition of 37 member organizations, all of which provide direct legal services to low-income DC residents. The Consortium is led by Co-Chairs Su Sie Ju (Legal Director, Bread for the City) and Ariel Levinson-Waldman (President and Director-Counsel, Tzedek DC). The Consortium's Steering Committee is comprised of the Consortium Co-Chairs, as well as four elected representatives from member organizations, currently: Laura Brown (Executive Director, First Shift Justice Project), Jennifer Mezey (Legal Director of Legal Operations and Client Services, Legal Aid DC), Karen Newton Cole (Executive Director, Neighborhood Legal Services Program), and Naznin Saifi (Executive Director, Asian Pacific American Legal Resource Center).



The DC Consortium meets virtually on the third Thursday of every month starting at 9:30 am and our meetings are always open to anyone interested in attending. 

You are welcome to join our meetings. To do so, please email to request a calendar invite.



Advocates for Justice and Education

Amara Legal Center

American Civil Liberties Union of DC (ACLU-DC)

Asian Pacific American Legal Resource Center


Bread for the City

Catholic Charities Legal Network of the Archdiocese of Washington

Central American Resource Center (CARECEN)

Catholic University Columbus Community Legal Services

Children's Law Center

Christian Legal Aid of DC

Community Family Life Services

DC Affordable Law Firm

DC Bar Pro Bono Center

DC Kincare Alliance

DC Volunteer Lawyers' Project

First Shift Justice Project

George Washington Jacob Burns Community Legal Clinics

Legal Aid DC

Legal Counsel for the Elderly

Mil Mujeres

Mothers' Outreach Network

Neighborhood Legal Services Program

Network for Victim Recovery DC

Public Defender Service of DC

Quality Trust for Individuals with Disabilities

Rising for Justice

School Justice Project

Tahirih Justice Center

Tzedek DC

University of the District of Columbia David A. Clarke School of Law

University Legal Services

Washington Area Lawyers for the Arts

Washington Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights

Washington Legal Clinic for the Homeless

Whitman-Walker Health Legal Services Program