Financial Stress Busters

  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Central Time (US & Canada)
  • By: Legal Services State Support
  • Source: Minnesota >
  • Health
  • Continuing Legal Education Program (CLE)

Financial Stress Busters

The rising cost of living demands tough choices from every day spending to reaching bigger life goals, like buying a home, saving for college, or retiring. Considering decision fatigue, rising interest on debts, and low levels of saving, it’s no surprise money has become one of the top stressors for many of us. Learn methods to regain a healthy sense of control, including: 

Stress reduction strategies.

Using a spending plan to take charge.

Prioritizing debt payments. 

Behavioral tips to change old money habits into new ones.


Shannon Doyle, Program Manager for Partnerships and Financial Education, Lutheran Social Services. Shannon earned her BSW degree in social work from the University of St Catherine and is certified in financial education through the University of Minnesota. She joined the LSS Financial Counseling staff as a Certified Financial Counselor in 2007 and has specialized in housing counseling, student loan repayment counseling and curriculum development over the past sixteen years. 

Shannon is passionate about increasing financial capability for individuals, consumer advocacy and coaching people towards financial success. Through interactive workshops, she offers practical professional tips, and uses personal experience and humor to educate and motivate others to take control of their financial lives. You can find her written work at LSS Financial Counseling’s blog Sense and Centsibility.

Details: Monday, September 18, 2023, 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.  1 CLE Credit to be applied for. Register on Zoom.

  • CLE Credit Comments: 1 CLE Credit to be applied for