Walk-A-Month Poverty Simulation

  • Training (non-CLE)
  • Pro Bono
  • General

The “Walk a Month” Poverty Simulation is a unique training opportunity for anyone who wants to better understand the hardships faced by low-income clients.

Over the course of a four hours, we simulate a full month in the life of a typical low-income community; each week takes 15 to 20 minutes. Participants are divided into families; each family is placed in a specific set of circumstances based on real clients’ experiences; and then you live the life of that family: working, obtaining benefits, buying food, taking your children to school, and staying in housing. We’ll have volunteers on hand to portray merchants, employers, police officers, landlords, teachers, agency representatives, and others. When it’s done, we’ll discuss your experiences and how they reflect obstacles faced and decisions made by our clients.

This interactive, immersive experience is appropriate for any lawyer interested in pro bono or public-interest work, board members of public-interest organizations, and law students. Whether you work at a law firm, nonprofit organization, government agency, or in-house legal department—or hope to do so after law school—you’ll learn and grow from this unique simulation.

And join the conversation on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook using#DCProBono19!

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