Getting an SBA Microloan for Your Small Business

  • Community Education/Outreach
  • Nonprofit/Community Development

Whether you are ready to launch a new business or expand an existing one, you'll likely need extra cash to make the move. And, depending on how long you have been in business, the state of your business credit and your ability to come up with collateral, getting a traditional business loan simply may not be in the cards. So, what now? Well, if the loan you're seeking is less than $50,000, you may want to consider a microloan.

Class covers:

Introduction to the Entrepreneur Fund: lending and services
Microloan overview and benefits
Preparing for business borrowing: assessing needs and best practices
Open Q&A for workshop participants
Opportunity for one-on-one questions with a PACE business advisor
Presented by:

Bo Sivanunsakul, Loan Manager, Pacific Asian Consortium in Employment (PACE Business)