ConsumerAction Disaster Preparedness And Recovery Webinar

Tuesday December 08

  • By: ConsumerAction
  • Time: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Time Zone: Central Time (US & Canada)
  • Location:
    n/a, United States
  • Source: National Disaster Legal Aid - OLD2 > National Disaster Legal Aid Advocacy Center

Dear Community Partner,

With major hurricanes hitting Louisiana and Texas, and wildfires menacing the West Coast, millions of Americans are facing the complex challenges of a natural disaster striking in the middle of a pandemic. The population most at risk during a disaster are those who are also hit the hardest by the pandemic—your clients…the homeless, disabled, seniors, low-income families, and frontline wage earners. Access to health care can become increasingly difficult during a disaster, as hospitals may be dealing with an influx of injuries. Wildfires, earthquakes and flooding can block access to health care and COVID-19 testing facilities. Damage to buildings can make shelters uninhabitable and trap seniors in their homes. Emergency management experts are concerned about everything from evacuations to public messaging for at-risk populations.

This webinar will answer many questions, including:

    What does a disaster declaration do?
    What types of disasters generally are covered by insurance policies? (And does your financial literacy program include a segment on the insurance?)
    How can your clients determine what it would cost them to rebuild, replace or repair their property after a disaster?
    What are the steps for creating a disaster recovery plan?
    How can you prepare your clients to financially survive a disaster?

Join us on Tuesday, Dec. 8, when Consumer Action will host a free webinar focusing on disaster preparedness and recovery. The webinar will be led by Kendall Jarvis, disaster relief attorney for Legal Aid of Sonoma County, and Meghan Smolensky, a Lone Star Legal Aid attorney, and will include a live tour of resources on the National Disaster Legal Aid website led by Attorney Jeanne Ortiz of Pro Bono Net.

Register to participate in this free 90-minute webinar:
Tuesday, Dec. 8, at 10:00 a.m. PT (11:00 a.m. MT; 12:00 p.m. CT; 1:00 p.m. ET)
