Fair Housing Webinar

Tuesday October 20

  • By: American Bar Association
  • Time: 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
  • Time Zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada)
  • Location:
    This event will take place online.
    Webinar, NY
  • Source: New York

Changes in HUD fair housing and equal opportunity practices are among the most dramatic and controversial shifts in housing policy over the last several years. This webinar focuses three of the most recent and crucial revisions to policy.


HUD's Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Mobility Demonstration program, the final amendments to regulations defining the concept of disparate impact and discriminatory effect under the Fair Housing Act, and the repeal of 2015 rules implementing the obligation of HUD grantees to affirmatively further fair housing. The panelists are some of the nation’s most accomplished civil rights and affordable housing advocates. Presentations will include discussions of the rule changes, and in the case of the Mobility Demonstration, a description of the HUD requirements. Speakers will provide historical and policy contexts, assess the impact, and talk about emerging responses to HUD's efforts.
