Hackaton Winners: Disrupting the school to prison pipeline Winners

Friday December 09

  • By: LSNTAP, TeamChild, Pro Bono Net
  • Time: 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
  • Time Zone: Pacific Time (US & Canada)
  • Location:
    LSNTAP Webinar
    webinar, United States
  • Contact:
    Brian Rowe
  • Website: lsntap.org
  • Source: Pro Bono Net Programs (Decommissioned)

This webinar is a show and tell of the top 2 projects from that event. In the legal aid community there has been an increasing capacity and enthusiasm about using hackathon as a way to develop innovations in areas of law and communities that are currently underserved through traditional legal services approach.  In this call--we will share the basics of what a hackathon is--and go over how to organize one, using a recent Hackaton sponsored by Team Child in the area of Disrupting the School to Prison Pipeline. Miguel Willis, of the ATJ Fellows, will share how he goes about organizing successful hackathon--and then the winners of the October competition will have a chance to share their pitch and gather feedback from the legal services tech community.

Anyone interested in learning more about hackaton and learning how to take the pilots to product in invited!


Miguel Willis - Social Justice Hackathon

TBA - Beyond 180

TBA - Expungement Tool

More information coming soon!
