Serving Survivors Through Co-Advocacy (Free Webinar)

Tuesday October 18

  • By: Center on Victimization and Safety at the Vera Institute of Justice
  • Time: 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
  • Time Zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada)
  • Location:
    Online, United States
  • Website:
  • Source: New York

When survivors reach out for support and healing, they do so as more than just their experience of violence. They arrive with a range of needs that may be impacted by culture, language, accessibility and their own lived experiences. However, our services and supports are generally designed around areas of specialization, which means that when survivors have needs outside of our specialty, it often means referring them to another organization which can result in a delayed response to an immediate need. Co-advocacy offers an alternative to this model. Instead of sending survivors to other organizations for services, the co-advocacy model brings experts together to provide cohesive services that are centered in each survivor’s culture, language, and lived experience.

During this webinar a panel of experts from Deaf run, disability, and Latina organizations will discuss their experience engaging in co-advocacy, and will share strategies, tools, and approaches for effective co-advocacy. The webinar will also discuss why the success of this model relies on strong foundational relationships, forged through collaboration rather than informal partnerships, to provide sustainable holistic services for survivors.

About the Panelists

  • Alice Sykora, Deaf Unity
  • Christine King, Center for Human Development at the University of Alaska Anchorage
  • Heidi Notario-Smull, National Latin@ Netrowk Casa De Esperanza




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 Since 2005 the Vera Institute of Justice (Vera) has been addressing the victimization and justice needs of people with disabilities and Deaf people through the work in the Center on Victimization and Safety. Our staff in CVS has more than 50 years of combined experience in sexual violence, disability, domestic violence, non-profit management, research and more.
