Assessing & Meeting the Economic Needs of Survivors (Webinar)

Wednesday March 30

  • By: Center for Survivor Agency & Justice
  • Time: 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
  • Time Zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada)
  • Location:
    Online, United States
  • Source: New York

The Center for Survivor Agency & Justice (CSAJ) will present its Needs Assessment Toolkit, developed to guide context specific identification and documentation of survivors’ experiences and economic needs. This tool was developed through work with four Innovative Demonstration Sites.

CSAJ Expert Advisor, Katie Vondelinde, will also discuss how to integrate findings and principles of survivor centered economic advocacy (SCEA) into all levels of your organization: What does SCEA require of supervisors and managers? What does it require of Directors?


More Information: Click Here

Registration:  Click Here


In 2012 CSAJ conducted a needs assessment of individuals who address domestic violence and/or consumer rights issues in their work: "Achieving Economic Justice for Domestic Violence Survivors: A National Needs Assessment". The purpose of the assessment was to gather information about existing consumer rights advocacy for domestic violence survivors, as well as to survey the factors that shape professionals’ capacities to engage in these efforts.  Click Here to read the report.

The Center for Survivor Agency and Justice fosters systemic change that better aligns what communities provide with what works to meet the comprehensive, self-defined needs of intimate partner violence (IPV) survivors. They strive to meet this goal by developing transformative advocacy approaches that match institutional structures, organizational programs, and professional practices with IPV survivors’ lived realities.

The Consumer Rights for Domestic and Sexual Violence Survivors Initiative is a national project that seeks to enhance consumer rights for domestic violence survivors by building the capacity of and building collaborative partnerships between domestic violence and consumer lawyers and advocates.
