City Bar Justice Center - Lawyers' Foreclosure Intervention Network Volunteer Training

Tuesday November 03

  • By: Lawyers' Foreclosure Intervention Network, City Bar Justice Center
  • Time: 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • Location:
    New York City Bar Association
    42 W 44th Street
    New York, NY
  • Contact:
    Brianna Noonan
    Lawyers' Foreclosure Intervention Network
  • Source: New York > Foreclosure

Do you want to help fight foreclosures? The Lawyers' Foreclosure Intervention Network (LFIN) has been helping New York City residents fight foreclosures since 2008. The foreclosure crisis has not abated, nor have the challenges homeowners face in trying to keep their homes. While New York State's mandatory settlement conferences provide the opportunity to prevent foreclosure through affordable loan modifications, homeowners and advocates struggle to engage the financial institutions in meaningful negotiation. 

Participating lawyers will learn how to represent homeowners in foreclosure settlement conferences and apply for available loss mitigation options. Though it may appear simple, foreclosure prevention is in fact a challenging practice area that requires determination, perseverance, and strong advocacy skills. LFIN needs volunteers who have, or seek to develop, such skills.

CLE credit is available to those who provide pro bono representation.

You must be an admitted attorney and you must attend this training in order to volunteer with LFIN.  

Please see the attached flyer for more information. Registration is required. Please RSVP to Brianna Noonan at