Working on the Web: Delivering Legal Services Online (Webinar)

Friday August 14

  • By: Avvo
  • Time: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
  • Time Zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada)
  • CLE Credit
  • Location:
    Online Webinar, United States
  • Contact:
  • Website:
  • Source: Pennsylvania

Avvo is offering a free webinar entitled Working on the Web: Delivering Legal Services Online on August 14, 2015 at 1:00 pm Eastern.

E-commerce has exploded over the last 15 years, and this trend is finally finding its way to the law. This webinar is designed to help lawyers and law firms understand the primary ethics issues that may arise when selling or delivering legal services online.

Lawyers who attend will learn about:

  • Online advertising and fee-splitting: A review of the first amendment considerations and limitations surrounding online referrals.
  • The ethics of online Q&A: How does answering questions online from people who may be out-of-state mesh with state-based practice limitations?
  • Online “deals” and unbundled services: To what extent do online deals or other unbundled offers implicate ethics rules around advertising, trust accounts, excessive fees, conflicts and the duty of competence?
  • Technology & security: What special considerations around technology and cloud-based applications are in play when serving clients online?

This program offers one (1) hour of Pennsylvania Ethics CLE Credit.

More Information and Registration

  • CLE Credit Comments:

    This program offers one (1) hour of Pennsylvania Ethics CLE Credit.

    Attendance at this event is categorized as "distance learning" by the PA CLE Board. Under current rules, lawyers have the option of completing six (6) hours per compliance year of distance learning by participating in pre-approved, interactive, Internet or computer based CLE programs. More information on distance learning CLE credit.