Effective Communication with the Legal Services Client 2015 (Online)

Monday June 15 -
Friday June 19 2015

  • By: Practising Law Institute
  • CLE Credit
  • Location:
    Online Webinar, United States
  • Contact:
    Practising Law Institute
  • Website: www.pli.edu
  • Source: Pennsylvania

The Practising Law Institute Is presenting its second annual massively open online course (MOOC) entitled  Effective Communication with the Legal Services Client 2015 beginning on June 15, 2015. The format for the MOOC is unlike anything PLI has ever offered. The course will be held exclusively online from Monday through Friday. Participants are expected to participate each day but may attend each daily segment any time, day or night.

The course is free to anyone who wants to learn more about how to meet the unique challenges posed by pro bono clients. This course will teach new attorneys and seasoned professionals how to work effectively and cooperatively with their pro bono client.

What you will learn

You will learn proper techniques for getting to know your pro bono client including:

  • How to identify common problems that clients living in poverty have with access to resources (e.g., transportation, child care, Internet access).
  • How to create an environment where clients living in poverty feel safe enough to communicate fully and honestly with their lawyer.
  • You will learn how to communicate effectively with your pro bono client by:
  • Implementing strategies for establishing a trusting and productive relationship with a client living in poverty.
  • Recognizing the signs of poor literacy skills, especially reading comprehension, and make the necessary accommodations.
  • Establishing effective lines of communication with clients whose native language is not English.

You will learn how to educate your pro bono client about the legal process by:

  • Preparing clients for meetings and courtroom appearances.
  • Setting expectations for client behavior in court.
  • Preparing clients for how judges and other court personnel may speak to them and treat them.

You will learn how to help your pro bono client make informed choices by:

  • Explaining legal options, the negotiation process, and court proceedings in a manner that is understandable to the client.
  • Developing and documenting authority to ensure that decisions to make, accept, or reject offers are the client’s and are not the result of the attorney imposing his/her will on the client.
Who should participate

All attorneys assisting pro bono clients through representation or in clinical settings, firm pro bono coordinators and partners, corporate law department pro bono managers, law clinic students and faculty, and public interest and non-profit organization attorneys and staff would benefit from attending this program.

Schedule (all times are approximate):
  • Monday: The Initial Client Meeting (45 minutes)
  • Tuesday: Barriers to Effective Legal Representation (40 minutes)
  • Wednesday: Honesty and Confidentiality (30 minutes)
  • Thursday: Capstone Activity (30 minutes)
  • Friday: Wrap-Up (10 minutes)

Alicia Aiken – Executive Director, The Confidentiality Institute

More Information and Registration

  • CLE Credit Comments:

    CLE-PA Credits
    Credit Status: Approved
    Expiration Date: 06/21/17
    Total Credits: 2.50
    General: 2.50

    Attendance at this event is categorized as "distance learning" by the PA CLE Board. Under current rules, lawyers have the option of completing six (6) hours per compliance year of distance learning by participating in pre-approved, interactive, Internet or computer based CLE programs. More information on distance learning CLE credit.