Innovating Through Technology: Ideas from Inside and Outside the Legal Aid Sector (July 9, 2015)

Thursday July 09

  • By: Legal Services National Technology Assistance Project (LSNTAP), Idealware
  • Time: 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
  • Time Zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada)
  • Location:
    Webinar, MA
  • Contact:
  • Website:
  • Source: Massachusetts > MassProBono

Location: Webinar

By Idealware


Laura Quinn, Idealware

Cost: Free!

Join the meeting:
Please enter your full name when prompted, followed by your organization information
(i.e. Brian Rowe, Northwest Justice Project)

Join the audio conference:
No matter how you join the conference, everyone will be on the same audio call.

By phone:
Join the meeting, click on the phone icon and select "Join by phone." Dial the number and then the conference ID when prompted.

By computer via internet:
Join the meeting, click the phone icon and select 'Join by internet'. Click "Connect."

For more information on how to use the platform, please see these useful resource from LSNTAP.

For questions about these trainings, please contact Brian Rowe of Northwest Justice Project at or (206) 395-6094 or through chat.

This training will be recorded for later posting on LSNTAP.orgs website and YouTube Channel. 
