PBN / LSNTAP Community Training Series - Virtual Remote Pro Bono Legal Services Models: A Special National Pro Bono Celebration Webinar

Wednesday October 14

  • By: LSNTAP, Pro Bono Net
  • Time: 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
  • Time Zone: Pacific Time (US & Canada)
  • Location:
    Webinar, United States
  • Contact:
    Brian Rowe
    (206) 395-6094
  • Website: www.lsntap.org
  • Source: Misc National Sites > Statewide Website Support

Date: Wednesday, October 14th, 2015
Time: 1 pm ET / 12pm CT / 11 am MT/ 10 am PT

This webinar will highlight examples of how virtual and remote legal services models are enabling new forms of pro bono participation and expanding the reach of services to underserved communities. Join us for this special pre-Pro Bono Celebration webinar to learn about new and emerging projects, and the staffing, technology and partnerships involved. We will also discuss resources and considerations for replication.


Debra Jennings, Managing Attorney, Legal Aid of Western Ohio, Inc.
Phong Wong, Pro Bono Director, Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles
Claudia Johnson, LawHelp Interactive Program Manager, Pro Bono Net
Liz Keith, Program Director, Pro Bono Net

Webinar Details

Register: The training will be held via join.me, so no pre-registration is required.

Join the meeting: https://join.me/NTAPtraining

Join the audio conference:
No matter how you join the conference, everyone will be on the same audio call.

By phone:
Join the meeting, click on the phone icon and select "Join by phone." Dial the number and then the conference ID when prompted.

By computer via internet:
Join the meeting, click the phone icon and select 'Join by internet'. Click "Connect."

For questions about these trainings, please contact Jillian Theil of Pro Bono Net at jtheil@probono.net or (415) 400-8662, or Brian Rowe of Northwest Justice Project at brianr@nwjustice.org or (206) 395-6094 or through LSNTAP.org chat.