Reentry in California – Overcoming Legal Barriers to Community Reintegration Following Incarceration 2014

Friday August 15

  • By: Practising Law Institute
  • Time: 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM
  • Time Zone: Pacific Time (US & Canada)
  • CLE Credit
  • Location:
    PLI San Francisco Conference Center & Via Live Webcast
    685 Market Street, Suite 100
    San Francisco, CA
  • Contact:
    Practising Law Institute
  • Website:
  • Source: CALegalAdvocates (Decommissioned) >

Reentry in California - Overcoming Legal Barriers to Community Reintegration Following Incarceration 2014

August 15, 2014
9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
PLI San Francisco Conference Center & Via Live Webcast

To Register:

Why You Should Attend
In the past three decades, incarceration rates have exploded in the U.S., such that today we incarcerate over two million people, more than any other country in the world. The result is that many more people encounter the criminal justice system at some point in their lives. Indeed, an estimated 1 in 4 adults in California has an arrest or conviction record, and people of color are disproportionately affected.

A person with a prior record faces significant employment and housing barriers, even when the record is old or unrelated to the job or housing. These barriers impede community reintegration and prevent formerly incarcerated people from being able to support themselves and their families or participate as members of their communities. This training is designed to give lawyers a foundation in the collateral consequences that result from contact with the criminal justice system, as well as tools for representing clients in need of reentry legal services.

What You Will Learn
• Basic overview of criminal justice system and collateral consequences of arrests/convictions
• Criminal Records Remedies under California law (i.e. "expungement")
• Employment Protections - new state and local laws in California
• Impact of a juvenile record and sealing remedies under California law
• Driver's license suspension issues
• Barriers to accessing public benefits
• Special issues facing veterans with records

Who Should Attend
All attorneys interested in or currently assisting pro bono clients with reentry legal services through representation or in clinical settings, law firm pro bono coordinators, managers and partners, law clinic students and faculty, and public interest and non-profit organization attorneys and staff would benefit from attending this program.

Program Schedule

Program Overview and Introductions
Meredith Desautels, Roxanne Dominguez-Shell

Accessing Opportunities for Work - Expungement & Employment Laws
Employment is a vital part of the reentry process, and an important predictor of successful community reintegration. Indeed, for individuals reentering the community following contact with the criminal justice system, finding work is a main priority. This training will review the criminal records remedies that are available under California law to help people improve their likelihood of success on the job market. It will also cover employment protections under state and federal law for people with arrest and conviction records. The training will then turn to the emerging public policy known as "ban the box." The training will cover new California laws regulating the background check process in public employment. It will also provide an in-depth review of the Fair Chance Act, a comprehensive reform of the employment background check process that was recently enacted in San Francisco.
Meredith Desautels, Eliza Hersh, Manuel La Fontaine II, Michelle Natividad Rodriguez

Youth Justice & Juvenile Record Sealing
A common assumption about the juvenile justice system is that it does not have the same lifelong impact that the criminal system has on adults. Although it is true that juvenile records are more confidential, involvement in the juvenile justice system can significantly limit a young person's opportunities. This training will review the juvenile justice system and the impact of a juvenile record on education and employment. It will also cover the record remedies that are available under California law, and discuss a current state legislative campaign to expand access to these remedies.
Jerry Elster, Rachel Johnson-Farias

Networking Break

Making Ends Meet - Reentry & Economic Stability
Following release from incarceration, the long-term goal is not mere "reentry," but true community reintegration. Achieving meaningful reintegration depends on economic stability in the short term. This training will address two issues that often prevent formerly incarcerated people from attaining that stability - suspended driver's licenses and barriers to public benefits. The training will review existing laws and barriers, as well as suggest possible avenues for working around these issues. The training will also provide a closer look at particular reentry barriers that are unique to veterans.
Nisha S. Ajmani, Donté Blue, Deep Jodhka
