California Family Law Basics: Pro Bono Representation in Low-Income Family Law Cases
Monday February 04
Tuesday February 05 2013
- By: Practicing Law Institute
- CLE Credit
PLI San Francisco Conference Center & Via Live Webcast685 Market Street, Suite 100San Francisco, CA
Practising Law Institute(800) 260-4PLI
- Website:
- Source: California > SoCal Pro Bono Center
Please join us for two days of training covering the nuts and bolts of California Family Law practice for low-income clients! We have brought together leading Family Law experts to walk you through a matter from start to finish so that you can feel confident in taking on a pro bono case. Attend this training and then put your skills to use volunteering with your local legal services agency. The program will discuss the following topics:
Introduction to Family Law
Motions Practice in Family Law Cases
Basic Introduction to Child Custody and Visitation
Obtaining Child and Spousal Support in Low-Income Family Law Cases
Property Issues in Low-Income Family Law Cases
Using California Family Law Judicial Council Forms
Low-income clients are in desperate need of your pro bono representation. We hope you will consider participating in this training and lending a hand!
To register by phone, please call PLI's Customer Service Department at
(800) 260-4754. Be sure to mention your Priority Code: CFS3-8AEM2 and Customer ID Number when registering: 1024901.
California Family Law Basics: Pro Bono Representation in Low-Income
Family Law Cases
San Francisco and Live Webcast, February 4-5, 2013