VAWA Self-Petitioning

Wednesday October 26

  • By: Immigrant Legal Resource Center
  • Time: 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
  • Time Zone: Pacific Time (US & Canada)
  • CLE Credit
  • Location:
    Online, CA
  • Contact:
    Sai Suzuki
    Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC)
    415-255-9499 x789
  • Website:

This webinar provides a comprehensive overview of the benefits of VAWA self-petitioning as well as the requirements and process for submitting a VAWA self-petition. We will provide detailed explanations for all of the eligibility requirements including the unique ways that children, unmarried spouses, former spouses, and parents can qualify, how to prove good faith marriage, how to document good moral character and when a bar to good moral character does not disqualify an applicant, how abuse is defined, and more. We'll also go through the nuts-and-bolts process of submitting the self-petition, including how to best document the case, tips for communicating with the Vermont Service Center, obtaining fee waivers and more.
