VAWA self-petition and battered spouse waiver, Adjustment of Status

Thursday September 22

  • By: Her Justice
  • Time: 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Time Zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada)
  • CLE Credit
  • Location:
    Hughes, Hubbard & Reed LLP
    1 Battery Park Plaza
    24 Whitehall Street (between Bridge and Pearl Streets)
    New York, NY
  • Contact:
    Patricia T. Smith
    Her Justice
  • Website:

This training is open to attorneys who are currently handling inMotion-referred immigration cases. It is also open to attorneys at inMotion's Corporate Partner law firms who have experience handling VAWA matters, or who have completed inMotion's basic VAWA Self-Petition and Battered Spouse Waiver training, or who are able to view the basic training on video in advance of this training. Please contact us for access to the basic VAWA training video.

Any attorneys not currently handling an inMotion-referred immigration matter will be assigned a VAWA client for pro bono representation.

This training is designed to help pro bono attorneys effectively represent their inMotion-referred VAWA clients during the adjustment phase of their cases. Procedural and substantive aspects of these cases will be discussed in detail. Training manual and sample documents will be provided.

Attorneys are expected to commit to taking a case pro bono either individually or as part of a team.

  • CLE Credit Comments: 3 CLE credits upon course completion 1.5 skills / 1.0 professional practice / 0.5 ethics Up to 6 CLE pro bono credits for providing an inMotion client with direct legal representation (1 skills credit for every 300 minutes, up to a maximum of 6 credits per attorney registration period)