Immigration Hearings 101: A Complete Tool Kit for Representing Children in Immigration Court

Friday October 21

  • By: American Bar Association General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division , Kids In Need of Defense
  • Time: 1:30 PM - 3:45 PM
  • Time Zone: Mountain Time (US & Canada)
  • CLE Credit
  • Location:
    Westin Downtown Denver
    1672 Lawrence Street
    Denver, CO
  • Contact:
    Nicole Nikodem
    American Bar Association General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division
  • Website:
  • Source: Misc National Sites > Celebrate Pro Bono

During the American Bar Association General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division 2011 Fall Meeting and National Solo and Small Firm Conference you will have the opportunity to receive training to represent children in Immigration court.
This comprehensive program will be taught by experienced immigration lawyers and trainers and will provide lawyers with the tools needed to competently represent children in the immigration courts. This program is being sponsored by the GPSolo Pro Bono & Public Service Committee and upon completion of the training, attendees will be offered the opportunity to participate in immigration proceedings representing unaccompanied children, through established pro bono programs that identify and screen clients, and provide mentors and support.
This is a free program, please contact Nicole Nikodem at if you want to register.
For more information about the 2011 Fall Meeting & National Solo and Small Firm Conference please use the link below.

  • CLE Credit Comments: Accreditation has been requested for this program from every state with mandatory continuing legal education requirements for lawyers. Please be aware that each state has its own rules and regulations, including its definition of “CLE”. Certificates of attendance will be available at the conclusion the program.