New Landscape of Medicaid Home Care in New York

Thursday June 09

  • By: Selfhelp Community Services, Inc.
  • Time: 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM
  • Time Zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada)
  • CLE Credit
  • Location:
    Selfhelp Community Services, Inc.
    520 8th Ave 5th Fl
    New York, NY
  • Contact:
    David Silva
    Selfhelp Community Services, Inc.
  • Website:

In March 2011, New York State passed a budget bill containing drastic changes to the Medicaid Home Care system. These changes include authority for the Dep't of Health to set standards to manage "high-intensity" personal care cases, a restriction of housekeeping services, reimbursement reductions for CHHAs, and mandatory Managed Long-Term Care. This represents a sea change in the delivery of community-based long-term care services in New York State. The budget also contained significant changes to other Medicaid services, and the EPIC program.

In this training, we highlight the legal changes affecting Medicaid and EPIC, discuss any agency guidance implementing these changes, provide advocacy tips under the new regime, and provide an orientation to Manged Long-Term Care.

Remote Participation Available
Participation also possible remotely online through GoToMeeting. If you choose to participate remotely, you will be sent instructions to call in via telephone and view the presentation on your computer using GoToMeeting. This is not a webcast - you will not be able to see video of the presenter, only the PowerPoint slides and other visual aides. You can listen to the presenter and ask questions over your phone. If you choose to participate remotely, you must write down any codes provided during the session in order to get CLE credit.

Valerie J. Bogart, Esq., Director, Selfhelp Evelyn Frank Legal Resources Program
David Silva, Esq., Assistant Director, Selfhelp Evelyn Frank Legal Resources Program

Financial Hardship Policy
Financial scholarships, which may reduce or waive tuition, may be requested by those indicating unemployment or other financial hardship. Those seeking a Financial Scholarship must request a Financial Scholarship Application, which includes the criteria for review, and submit it to us at least two weeks before the date of the training. This policy is intended to make our programs accessible to those facing financial hardship.

  • CLE Credit Comments: Application for accreditation of this course or program in New York is currently pending. We are seeking accreditation for 3.0 hours of CLE credit in Areas of Professional Practice. The course is appropriate for both newly admitted and experienced attorneys, except that CLE credit for remote online participation is only available for attorneys admitted at least two years, upon filing requisite certificate of attendance on form provided, subject to approval of accreditation. New attorneys may receive CLE credit only for live in-person attendance.