National Forum on the Human Right to Housing

Tuesday June 07

  • By: National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty
  • Time: 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
  • Time Zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada)
  • CLE Credit
  • Location:
    Thurgood Marshall Center
    1816 12th St, N.W
    Washington, DC
  • Contact:
    Christine Hwang
    National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty
    202-638-2535 ext. 220
  • Website:

The National Forum on the Human Right to Housing, held annually by the National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty, is a gathering of homeless and housing advocates for training, information sharing, and strategizing.

Join us for our special plenary on Tuesday, June 7 at 5:00 pm, which will feature speakers who have previously or are currently experiencing homelessness. Guided by the question, "What do you want lawyers in DC to know about homelessness?" the panel will share their personal experiences and reflect on how laws and policies impact(ed) their struggles.

Immediately following the plenary, there will be a special reception from 6:00 to 8:00 pm celebrating the work of pro bono attorneys in the movement to end and prevent homelessness. The reception will honor the National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty's LEAP and pro bono partners and will serve as an opportunity for law firms to educate their summer associates, and associates generally, about their commitment to pro bono work. Peter Edelman and Barbara Ehrenreich will deliver remarks.

  • CLE Credit Comments: We are seeking CLE credits for the following workshops: * Introduction to Housing & Human Rights * Preventing Homelessness in the Housing Crisis * Combating Criminalization of Homelessness Using a Human Rights Framework * Children's Rights Are Human Rights * No Place to Go: Discrimination, Housing & Human Rights * Domestic Violence and the Right to Housing * Litigation & the Right to Housing I & II * Surplus Property & Benefits: Expanding Access to Housing * Veteran Homelessness: Barriers and Best Practices Please direct questions about CLE credits to Khalid Abdul-Khaliq at