Pro Bono March Madness: Guardian ad Litem Training (THIS TRAINING IS FULL)

Monday March 28

  • By: AVLF
  • Time: 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Time Zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada)
  • CLE Credit
  • Location:
    State Bar of Georgia
    104 Marietta Street
    Atlanta, GA United States, GA
  • Source: Georgia

The Guardian ad Litem Program provides the judges of Fulton Superior Court with trained Guardians ad Litem to represent the best interests of minor children who are the subject of contested custody actions in their courts. Training includes presentations on the nuts and bolts of family law; the role of a Guardian ad Litem; the stages of child development; the pros and cons of various custody arrangements; the effects of domestic violence on children; the ethical issues faced by a Guardian ad Litem; and how to present findings to the court. One trained, lawyers will be qualified for service as a Guardian ad Litem in Fulton Superior Court.

  • CLE Credit Comments: 7.5 CLE/1 E/0 TP/1 P