Adding Elder Law to Your Practice: The Basics

Tuesday April 05

  • By: American Bar Association
  • Time: 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
  • Time Zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada)
  • CLE Credit
  • Location:
    On-Line, GA
  • Source: Georgia

It's nothing new for lawyers to serve older clients, but the demographics of an aging society and the ever more complicated array of issues and programs affecting older persons has given rise to the phenomenon of law practices concentrating on "elder law." Two experts in the field will provide a perspective on the nature, history, and realities of the field. The program will be especially useful for those who have considered moving in the direction of elder law but have not fully jumped into the fray.
The program will give attendees an understanding of:
• the nature of the field of elder law;
• knowledge of the aging network that provides resources to meet the non-legal needs of older persons; and
• the adaptations and skills needed to serve an aging clientele and their families.

$95 Commission on Law and Aging, Section of Family Law, Health Law Section, General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division, Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities, Senior Lawyers Division, Young Lawyers Division Members
$150 ABA members
$185 All other registrants
$75 Government Employees
$60 Additional registrants using the same connection

Register Here

Event Code: cet1aey
