Family Court Self-Help Center Volunteer Training Session

Saturday December 11

  • By: D.C. Bar Pro Bono Program, Family Court Self Help Center
  • Time: 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • Location:
    D.C. Bar Pro Bono Program
    Washington, DC
  • Contact:
    Kim Debruhl
  • Website:
  • Source: Dist. of Columbia

PLEASE NOTE: Pro bono training sessions are not MCLE-accredited.
<br />The DC Family Court Self-Help Center provides volunteer attorneys an opportunity to assist pro se litigants with matters in the Domestic Relations and Paternity & Support Branches of the Family Court of DC Superior Court.* This is a great opportunity for attorneys to provide direct pro bono legal services to individual pro se litigants while making a predictable time commitment. No particular expertise is required; training is provided and a family law expert from the Family Court Self-Help staff is on-site during every session. Trainees will be asked to commit to volunteering for three morning or afternoon shifts at the Center within approximately six months. This training is appropriate for attorneys only. (Membership in any state's bar will suffice).
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<br />*Malpractice insurance is not provided by D.C. Superior Court or the D.C. Bar Pro Bono Program to attorneys who volunteer at the Family Court Self Help Center.
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