Crossing State Borders in Trust & Estate Law: What The New York Practitioner Needs To Know About Florida, New Jersey, Delaware & Connecticut

Wednesday October 20

  • By: City Bar Center for CLE
  • Time: 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Time Zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada)
  • CLE Credit
  • Location:
    New York City Bar Center for CLE
    New York, NY
  • Contact:
    City Bar Center for CLE
  • Website:

Whether you are drafting, handling administration of, or litigating trusts and estates in New York, you are going to have to deal with assets and persons in different jurisdictions. For the uninitiated, this course will introduce some of the major differences between the laws of New York and those of Florida, New Jersey, Delaware and Connecticut; for the more experienced practitioner, the course will include updates on recent statutory amendments and developing case law. Among the issues
addressed will be differences among the states: differing tax schemes; whether it might be worthwhile to advise your client to change her domicile for planning purposes; who is entitled to notice of probate; what evidence is admissible to determine the intent of a testator or settlor; whether the dead man's statute will influence your litigation; and much more. Practitioners with hands-on experience in New York and other states will guide you through the morass and take your questions.

  • CLE Credit Comments: Live Program:$215 Member/$325 Nonmember California, New Jersey & New York Credit: 3.0 professional practice. This live program provides transitional/non-transitional credit to all attorneys. Illinois Credit: 2.5 general MCLE credits.